Jonas has been going to the Annex daily as he usually do and now he could see more colors and see them more often. Jonas has now experienced painful and pleasure memories which have made him gain more knowledge than others. He have now been given the memory of pain of a broken leg which was really painful for him, even though he didn't actually broke his leg in real world he could still feel the the pain after the the memories transplant. He have also have the memory of war, and many others but even though they are pain full he keeps wanting to have them because he knows its what he needs to be a good Receiver of Memories. The Giver has also give him nice and pleasure memories like christmas in which he could feel love. Baby gave have been staying at Jonas family unit house in which he sleeps with Jonas so their parents can get some sleep. Jonas carried baby gave one night when he was crying and he could feel that one of his memories was transfering to the baby, when he tried to see the memory again it was less brighting and had lots some colors and baby gave have stop crying. Then, baby gave woke up again and Jonas past all the memory so he could sleep calm.
While I was reading this book I found a quote that showed that people in Jonas community have forgotten what the real meaning of LOVE is. " Do yo love me? There was an akward silence for a moment. Then Father gave a little chuckle. Jonas. You, of all people. Precision of language, please! What do you mean? Jonas asked. Amusment was not all what he had anticipated. Your Father means that you used a very generalized word, so meaningless thats its become almost obsolete, his mother explained carrefully." I think that they don't really know the meaning of love because they don't have the opportunity to know what it is and how it feel because they don't have some one to love. I think this because they are given a family unit and they give them pills for their stirings.
In conclusion, I think this book had send good messages to the reader because it makes him think of some of the problems that Jonas community share withs our own life to see if its good or bad. Also, it makes you wander of how is it better, to have memories or just have a little amount of them and understand the basics. Farther more, I think that what they do which is keeping the memories from others so they don't feel pain is something good because they help the society be calm and not scared, but I think they should give the good and pleasurable memories so the society feels secure.
Mateo I agree with your point about love and I wrote something similar in my blogpost. I agree with your statement about it all being because of the pills and I also think people should be given this opportunity because love is very important.
ResponderEliminarMateo i agree in you part of the quote because i also thought of that. I think this is individuality because by feeling love you can feel pleasure. In Jonas community since they take pills they dont have the feeling of love and that is a very strong word for them. I alsaw agree with Jack.
ResponderEliminarMateo, I think that you choose an excellent quote because you can have a lot of conclusions. I agree with you when you said they don’t know what love is because they don’t have the opportunity. I think that if they have the opportunity everyone would like it as much as Jonas. I like the part of the book when Jonas starts to transmit some good memories to Baby Gabe and suddenly he stops crying and could sleep well. Baby Gabe had pale blue eyes that’s why Jonas was able to passed him memories. I really like your post from any point of view.